The diameter of a ping pong ball is 1.57 inches (or 4 cm). They weigh 0.095 ounces (or 2.7 grams).
Table tennis is a game that moves at an absurd pace. Positioning your body for the appropriately aggressive or defensive return to an incoming shot must happen within a split second after hitting the ball.
We’ll start at the beginning - working our way through the normal trajectory of skill improvement, continuously stacking new knowledge on top of what you just learned.
How I wish I could start this article with a tale involving pagan druids or Buddhist monks. I wish this tale held some mystical, romantic angle. Instead, here's the actual history of ping pong.
So yeah, as you may have guessed from the title, and the intro, this article is about the rules of ping pong. Or, as I like to call it: “How to avoid arguments and having bats thrown at your head.”
In this article we’ll reveal the correct ping pong table dimensions and also discuss other facets that contribute to making a ping pong table (and its accoutrements) “official”.
This is just a fancy name for a table tennis surface that doesn’t ship with a frame and can be placed on pretty much any surface big enough to accommodate it.
While there are always clubs and local leagues that you can join for a regular game, it’s not quite the same as being able to play at home.